NAJWAN | Diari Lelaki: Harvest The Happiness

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Harvest The Happiness

Assalamualaikum and Good Night!! :)

Hi! I just wanna try to write in english today. Heh, i hope that it doesn't give any bad impression to you guys since i'm not too good in this global language. I believe that all of us is good enough to read english. So, today I want to share something for us to ponder. Perhaps, it may change your life today! InsyaAllah. So, here we are, 'love letter' from me.. :)

"Life will get better if you choose to make it better,
It's ok to be sad or angry now and then,
There's something that maybe out of your control,
Like a bully that picks on you, boy or girl that rejects you,
or even a sibling that hates you.
But one thing thing that you and only you control is
your perspective and your action,
Being depressed and feeling sorry for yourself is easy,
I challenge you to change it today,
Happiness is a choice,
Choose to be happy, choose to better your life,
Because only you can make that decision,
You are not less than everyone,
There are only two thing that can stop you,
Your mind and your body,"

Just believe. We already have a very precious gold in ourselves. We just need to dig it deeply as we can. Then, if we find it, that's it. We will do everything, to reach anything. InsyaAllah.

Ok, done for today. Have a good day. I hope this post may give benefits to us. :)

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